

Ultrasound probes for breeders

Every probe is different—and designed specifically to handle a certain task or a particular species. While ultrasound probes can look the same on the outside, it’s what’s inside that counts, knowing how many crystals are used in the construction of an ultrasound transducer is critical.

Investing in an electronic probe with a higher crystal count is essential for good quality images. The outdated technology that the mechanical sector probes offer results with poorer quality, making it challenging to interpret images. Mechanical probes use a single crystal, provide lower quality images, and vibrate when in use, which can be disturbing to some animals. An electronic probe using at least 80 crystals guarantees a much better-quality image, which makes interpreting easier and no vibrations.

Size matters… and so does the frequency

The smaller footprint and higher frequency micro-convex probe are advantageous when scanning smaller animals, particularly as they can provide better contact between the probe and skin, which is especially useful while using it on uneven or curved areas of the body. However, when the footprint of the probe is too small, vision becomes “tunneled” so using the larger footprint of the convex probe will give a “wider picture” and deeper penetration into the body and is ideal for larger animals.

Keep in mind, larger refers to mass and size overall, a tall breed that is very lean may be better suited to a micro-convex probe. Whereas a large breed with a lot of mass to scan through will require the lower frequency of the convex probe to scan deep enough into the body to view fetuses. If you are not sure which probe is best suited to your goals, give us a call.

Probe breakdown

Interested in the key differences between each type of probe? Take a look at our matrix, which provides a holistic overview of each main probe type.

Linear Abdominal linear probes are excellent for equine tendons, small animal abdomens, neurovascular applications, superficial structures, whereas rectal linear probes are ideal for bovine and equine reproduction.
Convex Its curved shape and larger footprint make a convex probe ideal for medium to large animal imaging; namely abdominal in large animals, small ruminants, and exotics.
Micro-convex With a small surface contact and high frequency, micro-convex probes provide amazing image resolution. Small animal abdomen, small ruminant pregnancies, used with OPU aspiration device for ovum-pick up.
Back-fat Linear Specially designed linear probes for porcine or bovine back-fat and carcass merit measurements.
Phased array If conducting an echocardiogram, a phased array is the optimal probe type. With a high pulse repetition, it provides a high frame rate, which can capture the smallest anomalies.
Low frequency A lower frequency will diminish the image resolution but allows the ultrasound beam to penetrate much deeper, and to a greater distance. Lower frequency probes are necessary for scanning larger animals where you need deeper penetration to view internal structures.
High frequency High-frequency probes are excellent for more shallow scanning as they provide high resolution, detailed images, and a smaller footprint. Good for small animal abdominal scans, musculoskeletal, and use on exotic animals.

Take your practice to the next level

If you have any questions about our probes, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send a message. We’re available throughout the week to chat with you at your convenience.

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